Czech Souvenirs

I am finally back home in the States and had a wonderful time visiting Vienna and Prague.  Here’s a pic of the embryos I had transferred.

My two souvenirs from Czech, hopefully they are making a comfy home for themselves, and I would really only love for one to make it as being a SMC I am not sure I can handle twins.  I did POAS yesterday morning and was beyond excited to see a very faint line appear at 7dp5dt and it was still there this morning.  Yes, I am definitely pregnant at this time and hoping everything continues to go well.  It feels good to finally be in the 65% group for once.

I thought I would post some pics of the clinic as well.  I wanted to mention that you get Tram #1 from the Bus station and you need to go 5 stops to the Reprofit Clinic.

Reprofit is the orange/tan building

After transfer, you get to lay down for 10 minutes and relax.  The rooms are very modern and clean, with your own bathroom cubicle inside the room to strip down.  They give you a cotton sheet to cover yourself with, you get into position and they put the embryos onto the large screen for you to look at before the transfer.  They do not give out pictures and if you want a copy, you need to take your camera.

All the equipment is new and updated, just as it is here in the States.

When I got back and checked my emails, I did have a message from Štěpán Machač MD telling me that I did have two blastocyst embryos frozen on Day 6 for future use.  I do know for certain that they will not transfer the embryos  to the States so you do have to go back to Czech for further treatment.

Wishing everyone good luck if you decide to use the Reprofit Clinic, I can only say how fabulous both My IVF Alternative and the Reprofit Clinic were to work with.  One big hurdle over, 6 more to go.





3 responses to “Czech Souvenirs

  1. Congrats on your POAS+ !!
    Your blasts look beautiful, ….

  2. Hi there, how are you ? Hope your BT confirmed the pos test and that you had your 1st scan already … KUP

    • Hi Sophie

      I decided to forego the Beta tests as I have never had a problem with them doubling before, even with my own old eggs (7-9 weeks are usually my weeks of doom) and I have my first u/s scheduled for Aug 3rd. I am optimistically cautious as I had a bit of spotting last Sat for about 12 hours and excited to hope everything is okay.

      Thanks for checking in and I will update on Wed.

      I have another blog that I write on more often at lifesabeachnc.blogspot.comif you want to jump over to that one. I did this one for people researching the Reprofit Clinic to try to give as much info as I could on the process.

      Thanks DM

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