6 Days To Go

I went for my ultrasound on Wednesday and I am doing great – at 6mm with a triple lining (whatever this is – never ever heard of this at the old clinic) – so they seem very pleased and I am to continue with the protocol unchanged. I had been on the estrace 8 days when I had the ultrasound.   

Once I got there the Receptionist couldn’t find the original script from the clinic and thankfully I had upgraded my telephone and now have internet access and could pull up my mail. I emailed it to her and then she said its not signed by the Doctor so she checked with her office manager to see if this was okay. My contact is in Los Angeles and it was only 6.20am pacific time. Thankfully it was accepted. I sat and waited in the most spacious lounge with a TV and watched CNN. The doctor and nurse were just as lovely and no-one was put out that I was late and not a patient, although they did make a quick $220 off me for a 2 minute u/s. Oh, how I wish I had found these people before now.

Sue did call back the next day and asked me to increase my estrogen by one tablet vaginally at night, so now I am taking 3 orally and 1 vaginally a day.   I was a little concerned that we were 4 days late starting the estrace than originally planned, but she said its just a safety precaution.  Its been hard to find any info on the net regarding how much the lining grows daily and how it grows when the ovaries have been shut down via the lupron.  I am totally against taking more estrogen than is necessary, but I feel I don’t really have a choice right now.  For my cancelled DEmb FET, my lining was at 8mm after being on the patches for 10 days, so I feel there’s still hope.

 6 days to go, 6 days to go!!

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